In the beginning of October Adwatec had the priviledge of visiting Chantiers de l’Atlantique shipyard in Saint-Nazaire with Business Finland delegation. First we had a pleasure to meet CEO Laurent Castaing and got he’s updates for marine industry, current situation on shipyard and how Chantiers sees the future possibilities. Chantier has many Finnish suppliers already and they are familiar with Finnish know-how and quality so visitors were warmly welcomed to discussion with sourcing team.

For Adwatec this was a great opportunity to contact Chantiers direct. We have had several cases with Chantiers integrators but this was the first time for Adwatec Sales Manager Samuli Ilmonen to visit shipyard with a tour guide. Due to growing need for hybrid and fully electric vessels Adwatec water cooling is on the top of the trends in marine industry.

Cooling is the key factor in the revolution of the seas

With diesel engines vessels cooling is no big issue, just add enough oil, big radiator and you have well running motor for years. Hybrid and electric ships are different story. Battery, converters and propulsion systems are sensitive as humans. If there is too hot/cold or too much pressure components are in danger to broke down or loose big chunk of their lifespan. Due to this delegacy cooling is one of the most important things to do right on the first try so that ship owner can focus on their business not the hardware under the deck. With over 600 ships and 4 GW of cooling power experience, Adwatec is one of the key players in the electric revolution of the seas.


Business Finland visitors in Chantiers de l’Atlantique
Finnish business delegation in the shipyard. Photo: Yann Gontier, Chantiers de l’Atlantique


For more information:
Samuli Ilmonen
Sales Manager

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